windy weekend.

4:40 AM nonibaumann 6 Comments

I hope you all had a wonderful weekend.
Ours was quite full and happy.
On Sunday we had our regular time change on winters time.
Of course the girl didn´t care much about that
so she woke up quite early as always.
in that case it meant 1 hour earlier,
so we capitulated and instead decided to use the extra hour,
went for breakfast and after that,
for an early morning hike.

the air was fresh clear and windy,
not too cold. the sun was gazing through 
the clouds in an early beautiful light
 perfect weather for little miss `s new kite.
she loves kiting. and good for us,
she loves kiting in the carrier,
so we had a long morning full of
laughs, hiking, kiting and kisses.

sometimes days fade away like minutes.
but this one felt like windy:)


Lisa Vivian said...

Oh my gosh, this is just gorgeous. My little one just loves flying kites, too- and what a way to really slow down.

maria said...

Beautiful! Micha didn't get the sleep an hour extra briefing either ;)!

nonibaumann said...

thanks Lisa, yes it´s very perfect for littel ones and the older ones:) thanks a lot for stopping by!

nonibaumann said...

so right, they have their own internal alarn clocks... most times especially when there is a possibilty to sleep in for the parents:)!

Unknown said...

beautiful photos! we 'fall back' tonight and i'm definitely not looking forward to william being up at 7 instead of 8. silly how much that one hour means to me! maybe we'll go on a little walk too! thanks for the idea :)

nonibaumann said...

Thanks Bri, so right, it´s just an hour! I also learned to take it more as it comes and we had so much fun to use this little extra time!