random wrapping ideas.
as I told you, here a little update on some crafting ideas and gift wrapping.
The fun fact is that it was possible to integrate Emmi in some simple carfting ideas this year.
She is just one, but if you keep it simple, there is already a lot fun fun stuff that you can craft
with toddlersand ... I think the grannies will like their "Emmi" personalized presents:
wrapping the marzipan cherry jam from this post: we added some dried and painted playdoh ornaments
that we did the other day...
( just some random phone pics, during the "making process"):
we collected different cones and painted them white, after that we made a little winter forest
out of it (supplies: a round box, a plush circle-cut out in the seize of the box cover, deer figur,
lace ribbon, a tealight), I arranged the supplies and glued it on top of the box and the plush layer
with hot glue ("the mommy part").
out of it (supplies: a round box, a plush circle-cut out in the seize of the box cover, deer figur,
lace ribbon, a tealight), I arranged the supplies and glued it on top of the box and the plush layer
with hot glue ("the mommy part").
These boxes make nice give-aways, filled with cookies, little gifts...,
that still can be used afterwards.
as promised I made this origami ornaments, I like how the light reflects in different facettes.
I used them for some decorating ideas at home and for some gift wrapping, they are quite
easy to make, you can look it up here...

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