sparkling party crowns & headpiece DIY.

12:27 PM nonibaumann 2 Comments

I think I already mentioned my love for everything glitter when it comes to parties like New Years eve.
So here is a little wear recap plus our so to say headpieces in the form of a DIY.

Using pipe cleaner stars for this christmas seasons decoration, my headpiece also was inspired
by these pretty crowns (here and here).

Emmi and I ( and some friends:)
 love wearing them (still:) and they are pretty fun for lot of party occasions if you ask me.


pipe-cleaner star headpiece 

1) fold the pipe cleaners into stars
 (use single stars or glue them together as a formation)
2) add barrettes with hot glue  

sparkling crown: 

use a sparkling/ glittering plastic sheet, or golden colored (fake/)leather
1) cut out a jagged stripe
2) use a puncher to make holes at the sides and 
pretty ribbon add each side

simple and fun, like I said :)...

(linking up with the pleated poppy )


maria said...

Adorable! Emmi is just the cutest little girl!

nonibaumann said...

aww thanks so much Maria, it´s such a fun age, love how they develop their little personalities, such a fun thing to watch!