a shorttrip and a word .

4:19 AM nonibaumann 0 Comments

lit`s time to start off the new year in this space, right !?

we escaped after celebrating Christmas with family and friends
to one of our favorite spots, the Elbsandsteingebirge and Dresden.

and because the weather was unusual warm we did try out some
winter camping for the first time.

It was a fun and cozy family time. 
so this won`t be the last time camping in winter for sure.

I love these special times, being close together cozied up in the caravan
and also being a lot outside in nature.
I love to walk and I love to think in between all of this.

I`m not a big fan of resolutions. But I like the chance of new beginnings.
so I always go with a word for the new year.

this year it is going to be the word:


this is just for me, a faith thing, something quite personal.

in the last one or two years there were a lot of chapters
were the word trust became important to me.

if you had ask me before, I would have said " Sure I trust..."
But then there came some struggles, health stuff and fear tried to creep in
at this point of time. I new I had to make a decision.
will I be moved like a wave or try to learn to find rest even in a storm.

I searched God, his heart and view on things and he gave me rest, he gave me his peace.

The last two years really molded me, it wasn`t easy but its was worth the journey.
because it lead me to my roots, that are not grounded  on things I am or I can achieve,
I found my roots in Gods promises and his love for me more than ever before.

I feel grounded in him I feel rooted.

I don`t know what the year will bring, but everything will be just fine.