work in progress.
hallo, this is us, just doing what we love most...
working on a little project...and that`s one of the reasons I created the blog just a few
months ago...I wanted it to be a part on our creative journey, wherever it will lead us.
Emmi was around one year and she hardly even couldn`t walk, when she already
discovered her affinity for crayons. It took me a while to realize, but after several
drawings and SIGNS on walls, floors and furniture ( thought maybe to make photo
series out of her works...) I finally got the point and handed her some paper.
Since then doing creative stuff is always a big part of our weekly activities and we
just love it. Sometimes it`s messy, sometimes it goes wrong, sometimes it doesn`t
make a lot of sense, but it´s quality time, and thats enough sense for now...
and yes of course... we are making some progress...
For example our last project... a penguin collage,
we were working on bit by bit now since 3 weeks :
(I prepared these paper shapes, we puzzled them and glued them together,
then we made snow pictures with white paint, and later a collage out of the different parts )
--->some general random facts that work for us when we craft
( Emmi is now 19 months)
- I prepare everything necessary before we start (craft and art material, hide the carpets:)...)
- I don`t constitute it longer than 10 minutes, if she likes to go on, we go further,
but it´s never a must, it should always be fun
- for finding ideas I use some thoughts of surrealist techniques
(lavage, decalcolmanie, frottage, collage deliver as many ideas,
ok. fumage may not be the best technique for toddlers, but there are still a lot of other possibilities),
like for example in our rain pictures
- you can also find a bunch of ideas on pinterest ( I always brows and collect some ideas
on my boards, maybe change them a bit or get another idea from that)
- if I have a useful idea I make a small project out of it, that developes within few little steps,
so you always have something in progress... (for example our cone project )
- things must not be pretty, I give Emmi a goal and help her to reach it,
but everything is up to her ; there should always be room for changing plans,
trying stuff out and also messing things up, because that´s also part of learning
Ok, this was a whole lot and I´m not done maybe more later:)
Did you make similar experiences or do you have any advices or tips for a young mama?
Would be glad!
Have a happy weekend friends,
(linking up with Casey)

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