lemon melissa poppyseed// coffee coconut- peeling soap DIY.

12:27 PM nonibaumann 0 Comments

time for a summer care  DIY !!
 because it´s still summer right !?

so here is some easy homemade peeling for soft summer skin ...

and it´s super fast and simple because it´s just a glycerin soap variation.

 So... let`s start- let´s make some :

1) lemon Melissa poppy seed- peeling soap

you`ll need for 3-4 mini soaps:
250g glycerin soap base, 4 teaspoons poppy seeds,
half untreated lemon- sliced (no pulp),
some Melissa leafs, 8 drops lemon baking flavoring
or instead 3 drops lemon essential oil

melt the soap at 40-50°C (don`t overheat)
add the poppy seeds, aroma and Melissa
(do not heat it anymore at this point of time)
no fill it in some forms, for example you can use silicon forms
or simple plastic cups,
add the lemon peel pieces on top.

let it cool down and solidify.

what are the ingredients good for?

lemon: decreasing, cleansing, firming
poppy seeds: peeling particles with a subtle fragrance,
its oil is mild and regenerating
Melissa: inflammatory, calming, antibacterial 

coffee coconut- peeling soap :

you`ll need 250g glycerin soap, 
4 teaspoons grated coconuts,
3 teaspoons coffee powder 

melt the soap at 40-50°C (don`t overheat)
add all the ingredients, stir,
(do not heat it anymore at this point of time)
now fill it in some forms again
add some grated coconut on top 

let it cool down and solidify. 

what are the ingredients good for?

coffee: fragrant eliminates unpleasant odors
anti-inflammatory, toning (cellulite),taper (natural antioxidant)
coconut: good exfoliating particles, anti-bacterial,  
detoxifying, nourishes and moisturizes

as my little helpers would agree with me,
making soap this way is super easy and fun :)

and as you maybe read the ingredients speak for themselves...

... you should give it a try !