Easter/Oster DIY! Crochet bunny!/ Der Häkelhase!

8:50 AM nonibaumann 0 Comments

(DIY in English and in Deutsch)

Yay for having Easter right around the corner ! Outside around here it doesn`t look so spring like, but insight we are brightening everything up with a little color and flowers.

Like with these little crochet Easter fellows here !
They are so cute, easy to make and make some nice little Easter giveaways.

If you don`t like to crochet you can also knit them.
I came across this fun DIY from lebenslustiger on Pinterest and instead of knitting I crochet
and trust me, it`s  so simple and perfect to reuse some old yarn leftovers :

at the beginning you should crochet/knit a simple square, 
nearly the seize you want your bunny to be.
next you place some basting stitch lines:

1) in the middle right to left
2) from middle edge to middle top, back to middle edge

now simply pull the strings together ---> 1) will divide body from head, 2) will form the ears
stuff the bunny body parts, for that I just used some other old wool remains.
and stitch and close all the open edges ( close the bottom with another basting stitch line)

last step : add a simple pom pom as bunny scut ...

and ...

There you are, READY !
Have fun!